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R n ( μ ( x ) ; γ , δ , N ) q = 1 ( γ q , q - N ; q ) n R ^ n ( μ ( x ) ) dual-q-Hahn-R 𝑛 𝜇 𝑥 𝛾 𝛿 𝑁 𝑞 1 q-Pochhammer-symbol 𝛾 𝑞 superscript 𝑞 𝑁 𝑞 𝑛 dual-q-Hahn-monic-p 𝑛 𝜇 𝑥 𝛾 𝛿 𝑁 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\displaystyle R_{n}\!\left(\mu(x);\gamma,\delta,N% \right){q}=\frac{1}{\left(\gamma q,q^{-N};q\right)_{n}}{\widehat{R}}_{n}\!% \left(\mu(x)\right)}}}


μ ( x ) = q - x + γ δ q x + 1 = q - x + q x + γ + δ + 1 = q - x + γ δ q x + 1 𝜇 𝑥 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 𝛾 𝛿 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 1 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 𝛾 𝛿 1 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 𝛾 𝛿 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 1 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\displaystyle\mu(x)=q^{-x}+\gamma\delta q^{x+1}=q% ^{-x}+q^{x+\gamma+\delta+1}=q^{-x}+\gamma\delta q^{x+1}}}} &

μ ( n ) = q - n + α β q n + 1 𝜇 𝑛 superscript 𝑞 𝑛 𝛼 𝛽 superscript 𝑞 𝑛 1 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\displaystyle\mu(n)=q^{-n}+\alpha\beta q^{n+1}}}} &
μ ( x ) := q - x + γ δ q x + 1 assign 𝜇 𝑥 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 𝛾 𝛿 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 1 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\displaystyle\mu(x):=q^{-x}+\gamma\delta q^{x+1}}}} &
μ ( x ) = q - x + γ δ q x + 1 = q - x + q x + γ + δ + 1 = q - x + γ δ q x + 1 𝜇 𝑥 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 𝛾 𝛿 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 1 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 𝛾 𝛿 1 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 𝛾 𝛿 superscript 𝑞 𝑥 1 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\displaystyle\mu(x)=q^{-x}+\gamma\delta q^{x+1}=q% ^{-x}+q^{x+\gamma+\delta+1}=q^{-x}+\gamma\delta q^{x+1}}}} &

μ ( n ) = q - n + α β q n + 1 𝜇 𝑛 superscript 𝑞 𝑛 𝛼 𝛽 superscript 𝑞 𝑛 1 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\displaystyle\mu(n)=q^{-n}+\alpha\beta q^{n+1}}}}


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Symbols List

& : logical and
R n subscript 𝑅 𝑛 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\displaystyle R_{n}}}}  : dual q 𝑞 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\displaystyle q}}} -Hahn polynomial :
( a ; q ) n subscript 𝑎 𝑞 𝑛 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\displaystyle(a;q)_{n}}}}  : q 𝑞 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\displaystyle q}}} -Pochhammer symbol :
R ^ n subscript ^ 𝑅 𝑛 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\widehat{R}}_{n}}}}  : monic dual q 𝑞 {\displaystyle{\displaystyle{\displaystyle q}}} -Hahn polynomial :


Equation in Section 14.7 of KLS.

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